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Want to find out your life purpose? Accelerate Quality of Life?

Experience Light Empower Love

Many times, you want to evaluate your options, or you are in need of direction for the future. Whether you’re reconsidering your career choices, your love life, or your holiday destinations, I can help you choose the best route. Welcome to Light Empower Love, a unique Fortune Teller in Hong Kong. Take a look around, explore my site, and see what I can do for you.

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Healing Powers

About Me

我研究八字/中國占星/姓名學多年, 對於研究和分析人的命運與性格十分熱愛, 近年專注研究能量治療,人類圖(Human Design x gene keys) 和 瑪雅13月亮曆(Tzolkin共時曆). 打破二元了解真實, 思考生存與生命的課題. 2019 年 毅然辭職, 全身投入身心靈的工作, 這是一個 冒險的旅程, 多謝Stephen Wong 老師, 帶領我以人類圖去實踐人生藍圖, 了解怎樣可以做到真正的自己, 發揮與生俱來的才能. 亦另外多謝Dr Ana Zikic教導我關於13月亮宇宙曆解讀, 感覺人生多年的困惑得到釋懷, 成為13月亮宇宙曆導引分享者. 希望藉著我的知識幫助更加多朋友處理人生問題 越好,令自己可以在未來的旅途發光發熱.

Home: About Me

“When I first came to Light Empower Love I wasn’t a full believer of the whole healing process. However, after a few minutes it was clear just how incredible Light Empower Love really is. I since come by to get a reading every few months.”

Payton Hillman

“I will never forget the first time I got to speak with Light Empower Love and found someone who could help me overcome my depression and sadness. Now I know that my life's worth living. Thank you so much for all that you’ve done for me.”

Reese Mathers

“Light Empower Love was so absolutely right about everything that was said to me, that it has all since come true. As someone rational and logical, I can only say that I wouldn’t have believed it if it hadn’t happened to me, but it did.”

Jessie Brown

Chinese Astrology Reading (占星)



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Crystal Healing


Coming Soon

Tuning Fork Healing

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Coming Soon

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Healy Healing


Coming Soon

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Strips Psychic


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Contact Me

Are you looking for answers, or perhaps would like to receive a confirmation your life is on the right track? Whatever the reason may be, you’ve come to the right place. I love helping people develop the tools they need to cope with all of life’s challenges, and I get great satisfaction from seeing them heal and thrive. Contact me today and let the healing process begin.

+852 66830569

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